Every organisation faces a wide range of different risks. Some will be obvious, such as the risk of your premises being damaged by flood or fire. Others may be just as real but perhaps less immediately recognised, such as threats to your business operations arising from unlicenced drivers or cyber risks.
We offer a number of solutions to assist clients, including:
- Business continuity plans: helps identify threats to clients’ businesses and provide effective prevention and recovery strategies
- Vehicle accident management packs: helps us to defend claims on our client’s behalf, make recoveries where there are no witnesses and reduce the likelihood of inflated claims by third parties
- Loss recovery policies: provides clients with access to claims experts that assist in assist in achieving a swift, efficient and fair settlement of the claim
- Driver licence checks: ensures drivers are correctly licenced, entitled and importantly, insured to drive
- Anti-theft solutions: from catalytic convertor thefts to break-ins, we have solutions to mitigate the risks